Free Submission Scopus Index Journals articles without any fee total free|| Taylor and Francis journal list

It's important to note that legitimate academic journals typically require some form of payment for publication, whether it be through article processing charges (APCs), submission fees, or membership fees. This is because there are costs associated with peer review, editing, formatting, and publishing articles.

While there may be some journals that offer free publication without any fees, it's important to be cautious and conduct thorough research to ensure that the journal is reputable and adheres to ethical publishing practices. Many predatory journals may advertise as being "free" or "low-cost", but they often lack proper peer review and editorial oversight, and may engage in other unethical practices such as plagiarism, data fabrication, and deceptive advertising.

To find legitimate Scopus-indexed journals that offer free or low-cost publication options, you can use the Scopus journal search tool (, and filter your search by Open Access, which will display journals that offer free or discounted APCs for authors. You can also check the Directory of Open Access Journals (, which indexes high-quality, peer-reviewed open access journals across various disciplines.


Source of free Scopus journal publication No Charges No Paid  


While there may be some journals that offer free publication without any fees, it's important to be cautious and conduct thorough research to ensure that the journal is reputable and adheres to ethical publishing practices. Many predatory journals may advertise as being "free" or "low-cost", but they often lack proper peer review and editorial oversight, and may engage in other unethical practices such as plagiarism, data fabrication, and deceptive advertising.

To find legitimate Scopus-indexed journals that offer free or low-cost publication options, you can use the Scopus journal search tool (, and filter your search by Open Access, which will display journals that offer free or discounted APCs for authors. You can also check the Directory of Open Access Journals (, which indexes high-quality, peer-reviewed open access journals across various disciplines.





Taylor and Francis Journal Free Publication | No APC | No Charges  


Taylor & Francis is a reputable publisher of academic journals, books, and other scholarly materials. While Taylor & Francis offers some open access journals and articles, the majority of their publications require a subscription or payment to access.

However, there are a few ways to find free or open access articles published by Taylor & Francis:

  1. Taylor & Francis Online: The publisher's online platform offers a search option to filter for open access articles. Go to and use the "Advanced Search" option. Under "Access Type," select "Open Access Content."
  2. Open Access Journals: Taylor & Francis publishes several fully open access journals, which do not require a subscription or payment to access. You can find a list of these journals on the Taylor & Francis Open Access page:
  3. Institutional Repositories: Some universities and research institutions may have institutional repositories where researchers can upload their published articles, including those published by Taylor & Francis. You can check your own institution's repository, or search for others using platforms like Open DOAR:
  4. Google Scholar: Google Scholar is a free search engine that indexes scholarly literature, including articles published by Taylor & Francis. While not all articles indexed may be open access, you can use the "Settings" option to filter results by "Free Full Text" to find open access articles.


Helpful link is given here how to free publish your paper in Scopus